Studio Policies
Private LessonsLessons
Arrive early enough to unpack and be ready on time, and bring an iPhone, your lesson plan, shoulder rest, binder and all music to every lesson. Snow days: During inclement weather, I'm here holding lessons. If you don't feel you can drive here safely, please CALL ME (it's a LAND LINE) at 413-585-0663 to arrange for another time. Summer term: Summer study is important for continuity. Scheduling is flexible, and students may register for the weeks they'd like. Practicing
Practice is the only way to improve one's violin playing! Setting aside a regular time each day is the best strategy for fitting this in our busy schedules. Follow the weekly Lesson Plan, listen and practice carefully, and play your favorite review pieces for fun. For school-age children, having the support and encouragement of a parent is both essential and wonderful. Parents of older children can be involved by listening to practicing, asking to hear favorite pieces, or making time for family "performances." Parents of children under 10 should work with the child in teamwork during daily practice. All students experience ups and downs (particularly in regard to practicing). If problems arise, please call me to discuss them. We can usually find a way to perk up musical interest. |
TuitionMonthly tuition is posted and due on the first lesson of each month. A grace period of one week is given, but payments later than that will incur a late fee.
Students pay for their reserved weekly time slot, even if they miss the lesson. There's no monetary credit given for missed lessons, for any reason. Circumstances:
If I have to cancel a lesson, I'll reschedule it or give a you credit toward the next month's tuition. |